
Google Maps vs Waze – Best Navigation Apps

Google Maps vs Waze: These are the big aspects of the Android navigation world. Also, though both apps are owned by Alphabet, there are quite differences between the two.

Google Maps vs Waze: Looking for Destinations

Google Maps vs Waze

Waze’s search can’t be error-free and unreliable. However, it returns ‘0’ results for formatting search results or existing addresses in a confusing way. Also, it suffers from an issue common to some GPS apps: preferring a result that is 1000 miles away as it is a closer match for the search string.

Google Maps’ search is also close to perfect once you get it. Also, it wants a partial address to comes with an accurate search result. After results formatting can be quirky, Google Maps can’t suffer from the same “no results” hiccups. Landmark search is also efficient on Google Maps.

However, both Waze and Google Maps can look for destinations with your planned route, either for classes like Coffee or Food or custom search strings. Google’s interface for locating these stops is quite superior, but Waze’s list/map hybrid is restricted and difficult to read. Also, Waze tends to recommend destinations that are close to your current location, but it’s in the opposite direction of your travel. Also, it isn’t helpful in an “on the way” search. Google gets many points for having an interface here.

Navigation, Route or Traffic

When you want to exit or divide, Google Maps helps you get into the exact lane for your move. For instance, it probably recommends you to get in the correct lane for an upcoming exit. Also, you stay in the left three lanes for an upcoming highway split. Waze doesn’t look to access the database having that information, so it doesn’t need lane recommendations.

Crowd-sourced traffic data is used to be Waze’s biggest selling point. It’s the users reliably or readily report traffic, police, street closures, construction, and more. Also, Waze becomes the most up-to-date traffic information. That said, both Waze or Google move effectively. In some situations, they recommend the same route to a location. However, Waze might be quicker to move you to another route to ignore traffic, both Google Maps and Waze will get you to some destinations within a few minutes of each other.

Interface or Voice Prompts

The Google Maps interface is quite customizable, with choices for satellite or map views. Waze also moves more cartoonish, a friendlier interface. But Google Maps is built with the colorful or blocky Material Design language. Both are enough for navigation, with a quite clear interface for turns, but neither is perfect. Google Maps did a good job of consistently showing street information. But Waze dynamically move labels around after your location updates.

Voice prompts are quite effective and well-timed but can be talkative, especially when highway exits. Waze also interrupts your mobile audio playback to gives voice navigation. Using the right settings, Google Maps reduces the volume of your playing audio instead. Also, it ignores the hard stops that Waze inserts. It depends on what you’re listening to, it probably is less rowdy with Google’s system. But it can be difficult to know the directions playing together with music or podcast.

Waze vs. Google Maps: Data Usage

Data usage on Waze or Google Maps is so least as to be unreliable. GPS navigation doesn’t need your data connection. Also, it uses a satellite-based global positioning system (GPS) to locate you, not the WiFi. Finding, fetching traffic, downloading map data, generating reports, and updating your path all take data. But they don’t take very much. We also find you’ll use a few megabytes of data for some navigational tasks. You also want some sort of data connection to get data from Google’s servers. Also, it adds your direction, but your exact position is updated primarily by GPS satellites.

Google Maps vs Waze: Other Aspects

They both provide calendar integration choices, but we want Waze’s system. Before it’s time to leave, Waze gives a calculated time to depart with travel time so you get your destination at the perfect time. After ten minutes before it’s time to leave, Waze shares a “Time to Go!” notification. Simply click that notification to view directions. Google Maps also gives instant access to the addresses of upcoming appointments in the search area. It’s not as strong or useful as Waze, but still, it’s helpful.

Google Maps also loses the main points on the privacy front. However, some smart users can control what Google learns about them after turning off location history. But Waze also shares your location data using the Google Mothership with some choices for controlling that data flow. Also, it makes Waze the worse offender, even if both apps are competing for the last place.


Waze or Google Maps are equivalent, providing the same routes and navigation experiences. Well said, Google Maps wins in terms of navigation, interface, and search. However, Waze can help you out in a sticky traffic situation. Also, it adds more up-to-date information, the awkward interface and disappointing search are not as worth the trouble as they once were. As a result, we suggest Google Maps as our favorite GPS app.

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Alex Joshua

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