How to

How To Block Windows 10 Apps From Accessing Videos

Do you want to block Windows 10 apps from accessing videos? With many privacy settings that Windows 10 offers. There is the one that restricts what type of content your apps have to access. If you find yourself don’t want to give an app access to, say, your videos.

If you need to restrict what apps can view and use your videos. Then you can do so using the Privacy window. If you want to open it, click the Windows key on your keyboard, input in ‘Privacy settings’, and hit the Enter key.

Now move down – at the bottom left corner of the options there. Then you’ll find one labeled Videos. Tap on it to view the video choices that you have.

Here, you’ll view the three sets of controls – the 1st is a system-wide setting. If it’s turned off, no user can provide any apps access to their videos. To modify this setting, you want the administrator permissions. If the setting is on, you can still enable or deny permission to all apps using the 2nd setting.

If ‘Allow apps to access your videos library’ is turned off. Then no other app can access it at all. If you only need to revoke or provide access to individual apps. Then take a look at the bottom section. You’ll then find the choice to toggle the permission enable or disable for individual apps.

Tip: It’s suggested that you leave the Camera app switched on as you alternatively can’t record and save videos using it!

Simply toggle the settings as you need them and close the window once done. However, the settings apply automatically. That’s all you have!


Here’s all about ”block Windows 10 apps from accessing videos”. Is this article helpful? Have you ever face any issues? Have you found any other trick that we can’t cover in this article? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Till then! Stay Safe ?

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About the author

Alex Joshua

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