
6 Main Benefits Of Real Estate Text Message Marketing

In the 21st century rarely does anyone let go of their phone, so in most cases, we read SMS coming to the phone. That is, in simple words, SMS marketing is a tool for targeted advertising.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the main benefits of real estate text message marketing and understand whether it is worth using it. 

cityscape marketing

The Concept Of Sms Marketing

To talk about the benefits of SMS for real estate marketing, let’s first understand what SMS marketing is.

SMS marketing is a promotion method when SMS is sent to customers. These SMSes may contain notifications about promotions, in the field of real estate, this may be an announcement of the launch of a new construction site, etc.

The difficulty of text message marketing to real estate investors is understanding the laws on text messages because each country has its own laws regarding SMS mailings. Despite this, SMS marketing in real estate is one of the most popular marketing methods.

Myths About Sms Text Marketing

There are so many myths around text marketing that entrepreneurs are wary of mobile messaging. What if SMS damages the company’s reputation? and What if no one reads them? or What if they don’t bring customers? Let’s allay your concerns.

Myth nr1 – Nobody reads SMS mailings

Opening a message is reading it. After all, even before deleting the message will still be read.

Here it is important to remember the key rule of SMS marketing for real estate investors: work with an audience that has left their data voluntarily. If you send out mailings to numbers that you received in some other way, this is spam.

With high-quality work on the collection of contact data, SMS are opened in 90% of cases and read.

Myth nr2 – SMS mailings don’t bring customers

It all depends on what exactly you are reporting and how high-quality your audience is.

How it works:

  • Thoughtful text is sent in the message.
  • Each client agrees to receive information via SMS.
  • The mailing interval is once a month. Not too often to tire the recipients.

If the company works honestly and creatively, doing its job responsibly for clients, then text SMS marketing will bring success.

Myth nr4 – SMS is spam that ruins your reputation

If you look at the SMS mailing market in general, then, indeed, the following picture is observed:

  • Many companies want to get customers easily and quickly, and for this they use black methods: they buy a database of numbers and order spam;
  • Companies often carelessly compose the text of SMS;
  • Companies send emails too often, like once a week.

Approximately 70% of commercial SMS are classified as spam, so customers often react negatively. That is why it is important that a person leave his number voluntarily.

Benefits Of Text Marketing

SMS marketing is used to increase traffic on the site, and therefore, to increase the number of potential furniture marketing

  • Trust of the target audience. SMS are sent to subscribers who are directly interested in purchasing your goods or services and who have agreed to receive information. Thus, advertising SMS campaigns are not an irritant, and the messages themselves inspire confidence.
  • Instant mailing – fast return. Sending SMS is carried out using modern computer systems, so the entire mailing, regardless of volume, takes a fraction of a second. More than 90% of subscribers who received SMS read it, and the percentage of subscribers’ response to advertising offers reaches 60%. This means not only prompt delivery of messages, but also fast return, i.e. fast return on investment.
  • Opportunity to receive feedback. It’s no secret that short text messages can not only be sent, but also received. For this, a special number and software are allocated, with the help of which the analysis of data received via SMS is carried out.
  • Low cost of contact with the target audience. The cost of one contact with a potential consumer fluctuates within a few cents.
  • Guaranteed delivery of information to the right target audience. Unlike many other advertising methods, SMS mailing is an “address” technology – the information will be received by the subscriber for whom it is intended. The message will be delivered, even if it is outside the network coverage area, the SMS will reach the subscriber after the phone is connected to the network.
  • Involvement. SMS marketing service brings incredible results to companies. While this may sound exciting, don’t forget the downside: some recipients may open SMS just to get rid of the notification on their phones. That’s why it’s important to pay more attention to interaction metrics like clicks and conversions.

Rules for Effective SMS Marketing

In order for the marketing SMS to be successful, it is necessary to compose it correctly, correctly and in a balanced way. Unfortunately, it can be observed that many companies, one of the main tools of which is the SMS for real estate marketing, in practice make many mistakes that significantly reduce the likelihood of success of such a message and make it practically meaningless. 

Rule number 1 – brevity

In fact, everywhere, the brevity of the material presented plays an important role, namely, it allows not to take the client’s time, but to present all the information in an easy and understandable way, understandable for perception.

You need to understand that the client doesn’t want to spend time reading everything that was sent to him. And, of course, if it was advertising information.

Rule number 2 – informatively

It is a real art to put everything that the client needs into 160 characters and at the same time achieve the desired results.

Rule number 3 – cooperation with copywriters

Exactly a professional will be able to briefly and concisely state everything that is required in a single sentence, will do everything possible to help the client promote his product or service to the masses.


Summing up, we can say that text message marketing for real estate is aimed not only at the annual sale of the object, but also at promoting the growth of consumer awareness, the formation of civilized relations between the company and its clients, as well as the market operator itself.

About the author

Hassan Abbas

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