
How to develop a blockchain application?

blockchain applicationDespite technological innovations, the mobile industry still faces various challenges such as data breaches, inaccessible in-app purchases, malware downloads, and security threats. Blockchain has fundamentally changed the mobile app development model. The technology is actively used in the creation of mobile applications, especially in the financial industry, as it offers some useful features: decentralized system, keyless security infrastructure,

peer-to-peer payment architecture, and distributed digital ledger. In this article, we will consider how software product engineering services can help businesses to improve performance.

The process of blockchain applications development

Databases developed using blockchain technologies are known to be difficult to hack or manipulate. That’s why it is an ideal place to store sensitive data. Blockchain software building requires an understanding of how the technology works.

To master blockchain programming, developers must be familiar with cross-disciplinary concepts and popular blockchain programming languages ​​such as Solidity.

A significant part of blockchain application development is focused on information architecture. Developers learn how the database should actually be structured, how this data should be distributed, and how to access it with different levels of permissions. For example, whether the distributed ledger technology should underlie or not.

This decision, in turn, will affect everything: which parties will have access to which data, how this data will be shared between different parties, whether a majority of votes will ensure data change, and so on.

The blockchain application development process is similar to traditional development. However, in the case of such complex technology, the development team should pay special attention to the choice of a solution that will become the basis for the whole project.

Problem definition

The first step is to identify a problem that can be successfully solved using blockchain technology. The use of blockchain may not always be relevant, so it is very important to find the real problem. The use of blockchain in solutions where this system is not needed can be quite expensive.

Selecting an appropriate consensus mechanism

An important stage in the development of a blockchain solution is the choice of a consensus mechanism. Among the most common technologies are PoW and PoS. Other technologies can also be used in the project if they better solve the problems assigned to the product being developed.

Choice of programming language and blockchain

The third step is to focus on creating the user interface of the application. The choice of programming language depends on the chosen blockchain, which will subsequently determine the type of user interaction with the blockchain. Here it is worth considering such a feature as interoperability.

Choosing a blockchain development platform

Time to determine which blockchain to use for development, this will avoid the need to create a blockchain from scratch. The choice of platform depends on the choice of consensus mechanism. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account what problems this or that consensus mechanism can solve.

Strategy development

At this stage, as a rule, sum up the steps taken earlier. The development team draws up a plan with prioritization of the strategy for effective results. When drawing up a strategy, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the chosen blockchain platform.

Blockchain architecture design

Determine if the blockchain will include specific permissions for target user groups or if it will include the public network. It is also worth deciding whether the application will use private or public blockchain network architectures.

When developing blockchain applications, consider using a hybrid consortium or public blockchain architecture. In a permission-based blockchain, a network member can only add data with the permission of other registered users.


Customize key aspects of the application. Make sure permissions, block signatures, address formats, and key management are considered first. These elements cannot be changed after implementation, so it is best to give them the necessary attention from the start.

After this step, start working on the API of the blockchain application. APIs are used to perform audit functions, generate key pairs, and store or retrieve sensitive data. The choice of blockchain APIs depends on the purpose of the application. These APIs will provide the most value for all users.

The developer must also install the middleware. Middleware is software that connects external systems to the blockchain, thereby providing communication between the components of the blockchain and applications running on it.

Some APIs required by almost every blockchain include:

  • key management;
  • intelligent asset lifecycle management;
  • smart contract management;
  • generation of keys and addresses.

APIs for digital signatures and hash number generation are also required for data authentication. The developer can use ready-made APIs for blockchain applications or create new ones from scratch. Using out-of-the-box APIs speeds up the development process, while building APIs from scratch provides more flexibility.

Testing and launching the alpha version of the application

At this stage, all the efforts made in the previous stages pay off, and now the early version of the project is ready for testing. At this point in the development process, focus on core features. Developers should try to identify potential problems as they arise.

It’s best to start from the bare minimum. A minimum viable product (MVP) is all that is required to prove the viability of a blockchain model. Once the app is stable, the developer can add more advanced features to it.

Benefits of blockchain implementation in mobile application development

The use of the latest information technologies in all spheres of human activity opens up new opportunities for optimizing business processes. Blockchain offers some important business benefits. Hire blockchain developers to help you out since blockchain offers some important business benefits.

Data protection

Blockchain adds several layers of protection to data. It assigns private keys to users, with which users can store, view, and manage transaction-related information in one place. In addition, the longer blockchain creates a robust architecture and ensures transaction resiliency. Because the database is replicated across multiple computers, the chance of being hacked is greatly reduced.

Data integrity and transparency.

The decentralized nature of the blockchain allows you to view data about its participants in real-time. The value of blockchain technology is that no one can distort the data recorded in the system. This feature of the technology guarantees data transparency, their integrity, and eliminates the need for intermediaries.

Infrastructure protection

Mobile device owners can move the risk of hacking to a secure platform by keeping a DNS record on the blockchain. No one can get into a transparent distributed DNS without the permission of the parties involved.

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Wrapping up

Blockchain can make a big difference in a mobile app development strategy. Blockchain-based applications help build customer trust by providing transparency, efficiency, and security. These applications also contribute to the development of business innovation. However, integrating blockchain into business applications requires technical knowledge and skills as it is complex technology. Intellectsoft provides customers with software product engineering services including the development of custom enterprise products, custom mobile products, and products with the latest tech. 

About the author

Hassan Abbas

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