Apps & Games

Do Villagers Despawn in Minecraft – Things to Know

do villagers despawn

The many worlds of Minecraft can be really scary, lonely places. Along with sundown comes the unceasing terrors of the night. Relentless in their hunger for your strangely angular flesh as well actually. Nobody really wants to fend off hordes of undead and bloodthirsty wildlife alone. Indeed Villagers and their lot of idiosyncrasies are what make the deceptively dangerous Minecraft life worth living. In this article, we are going to talk about Do Villagers Despawn in Minecraft – Things to Know. Let’s begin!

However, what is the natural life expectancy of your typical Minecraft villager? Going unmurdered long enough, do they really die of natural causes? Do villagers despawn at a specific distance? All the questions and more are answered below in our short guide below on despawn and how can you keep your villagers from the death’s many faces in Minecraft.

How long does it actually take items to despawn in Minecraft?

Any dropped items in Minecraft will automatically despawn after just five minutes as well. Arrows and tridents last for one minute where they actually are embedded. And saddles will despawn should their respective mount disappear as well.

Do Villagers Despawn in Minecraft – Things to Know

despawn in Minecraft

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, then does it make a sound? Nope. Not in Minecraft actually. Without any players within a 128-block radius, the mobs automatically despawn as well. Just like that, mobs without a player within a 32block radius about a 2.5% chance to despawn each and every second as well. Apart from a few special mobs along with unique despawn timers, this basically holds true for all mobs without a nametag

Except for villagers. They are exempt from despawn timers and, barring any bugs (looking at you, Bedrock Edition!), should not despawn on their own actually. They can, however, be irritating hard in order to keep alive until you get the hang of it. Villagers can die in all sorts of ways actually. They can be struck through lightning, turned to witches, murdered through hostiles, suffocated, starved to death… the list goes on as well. That said, the basics of keeping your voxel-based simpletons alive are, fittingly, really simple.

Keep them in quarantine

Minecraft Villagers, much like us nowadays, is just to stay in quarantine at all times. It’s a really dangerous, dangerous world out there. And the best way in order to protect them is just to keep them indoors. And yes, this actually means sealing them inside without even a door.

Keep the space well-lit | do villagers despawn

Zombies spawn in areas below a lighting level of 7 actually. So you just have to make sure everything is well illuminated before leaving your villagers to their own devices.

Make sure they are housed… in a house

Make sure there are no openings to the sky in any part of your villager’s shelter actually. Or the game may not recognize it as a house and select to spawn hostile mobs.

Keep your villagers… in a village

A villager up to 32 blocks from its original village will forget said village after six seconds. After which it may wander off and be murdered via the other mobs. That is kind of a fitting end for a guy who can forget all the friends and family he ever had in six seconds actually.

Do Villagers Respawn? | do villagers despawn

despawn in Minecraft

Sadly, deceased Villagers do not really respawn. Much like the human population, they also do not materialize out of thin air as well. If you went to check on one of your villages and also found it suspiciously empty. Perhaps as a result of a zombie siege or band of wayward villagers, freet not! You guys do have a couple of options to rebuild when you’ve finished grieving.

Breeding Villagers

Generally, you guys need villagers to get together and… well… make villagers. If you catch my drift as well. If you don’t have any villagers you guys can always go and “borrow” a pair from another village. You know, human trafficking– and also encourage them to mate. Yes, most of the time the way in order to spread the love is through kidnapping innocent villagers. Sealing them inside a doorless chamber, and depriving them of all liberty as well.

However, first, your villagers must be “willing” to breed actually. In order to get them in the mood. You guys will need free beds along with at least a 2 block clearance above. (so your baby villagers can also jump without even loading inside a block and suffocating). And food in the villagers’ inventory. Since nobody makes baby villagers on an empty stomach. As long as the bed is reachable and also both villagers are within the bounds of the village. Hard-edged, voxel-based love will soon be in the air as well.

Curing Zombie Villagers | do villagers despawn

If you guys find yourself fresh out of willing humans, then you guys can find yourself a zombie villager and cure them of their vile affliction. For that, then you’ll need either a Splash Potion of Weakness, Lingering Potion of Weakness as well. Or Arrow of Weakness alongside one Golden Apple too.

First and foremost, just get your zombie villager to a safe spot in order to protect it from daylight and. When they’re cured, from hostile mobs. Douse them along with the weakness potion or also shoot them along with the tipped arrow. And once they are weakened, you have to feed them the golden apple. When they begin shaking and emitting red swirls, they are on the path to wellness.

In about 2 to 5 minutes they will also once again be a healthy human villager ready to start churning out baby villagers as part of your inhumane breeding program as well. And also remember to prepare for their transport back to the village as well. You can also kidnap a villager, lock him in a basement, also shoot him with poison-tipped arrows as well. And force him to copulate, however, then you can’t put a leash on him.


Alright, That was all Folks! I hope you guys like this article and also find it helpful to you. Give us your feedback on it. Also if you guys have further queries and issues related to this article. Then let us know in the comments section below. We will get back to you shortly.

Have a Great Day!

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About the author

Windy Moore

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